Auto Accidents: Types and Common Causes

Las Vegas is an energetic city with a glamorous skyline. Often, you’ll spot fancy cars on the roads cruising at a decent speed. Other times: same fancy cars, the drivers moving recklessly. Eventually, drawing the attention of everyone around, the sound of colliding cars and smashing glass. Again, an accident has occurred.
The common types of accident include
Side-impact accident: This happens mostly at intersections. It can prove fatal for the driver negotiating the turn if the approaching vehicle rammed into the driver-side door.
Head-on collision: This is usually the most fatal, especially if both cars were cruising at high speeds. Sometimes, both drivers could be at fault.
Rear-end accident: In this, a car hits the tail of the car in front of it. The car in front could end up with slight damage to the bumper if the impact was mild. For this type of accident, the rear driver is usually at fault.
According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 6.5 million car crashes are reported yearly. In these crashes, over 2.5 million people sustain injuries, and about 36,000 lose their lives. Most of these accidents – especially the ones not caused by bad weather or poor road condition – are avoidable. A driver’s negligence led to the mayhem. In the US, car crashes are a leading cause of death. It ranked number 8 on the list. Many of the dead were driving responsibly, perhaps cruising to work or to pick up their child from school. Then, a drunk or a distracted driver rammed into their car, ending their lives and plunging their loved ones into grief.
The common causes of road accidents include
Drunk driving: Las Vegas is a city with posh casinos and wine lounges. Encountering a drunk driver won’t come as a surprise.
Distracted driving: For some people, they get distracted on the road due to emotional instability. For some, perhaps they were responding to a text on their smartphones or reaching for something at the back seat.
Drowsy driving: This is akin to drunk driving. In both cases, the mind is not as sharp as it should be, so mistakes can easily be made.
Speeding: It’s easy to lose control of the steering wheel when speeding too much. Also, engaging the brake takes longer, so, most times, the car won’t stop on time to avoid impact. This case is common among younger adults; they have a higher ratio for road accidents caused by speeding.
When these accidents happen, some are lucky to escape with minor injuries. Some, however, are not as lucky. While the dead cannot be brought back to life, those who survive them can make the at-fault driver bear the consequence of their actions.
For those who escape with injuries, Las Vegas auto accident lawyers at Richard Harris Personal Injury Law Firm can help you make your claim and work on getting you the compensation you deserve. The things you can get compensated for include: medical bills, car damages, compensation for pain and suffering caused, and wages lost.