Keys To Writing Content For Your Law Firm’s Blog

There is a lot of advice out there as to how a personal injury law firm can increase its online presence, and the creation of a blog is something which we often see. Whilst this is a great option for a law firm, it only works if the content which is posted on the blog is worthwhile. Simply adding any old content isn’t enough, nor is copying and pasting legal information. The key to enjoying the benefits of the blog is to make sure that the firm has a clear focus on creating high quality content, and here is how to do just that.
Topic Importance
The first place to start is deciding what topic you are going to discuss, and making sure that it is actually going to offer something valuable to those who are reading it. If you are going to talk about success stories for example then this is a great option, as it shows what your firm is able to deliver for potential clients. Simply sharing case notes however is not going to be something which we can consider as high quality. What you should be doing however is delivering the story from the point of view of the lawyers, what the challenges were and how they overcame them.
Length of the Post
There are two main options in terms of length which you can consider when creating a blog post, short and long. In most cases short blogs are between 300 and 500 words, whereas long form posts should be between 800 and 1500 words. If you go beyond these parameters then you are going to bore the reader and they will not get the value which they need from the post. Allow the nature of the story to dictate how long the content is. If this is just an anecdote then keep it short and punchy, a case story however could be longer.
Breaking It Up
When you are blogging you have to think about the entertainment which you are delivering, and use media to break up the content. This is going to help the reader stay interested and it also adds something a little extra to the content. Using images and videos are fun ways of creating content and they also increase the likelihood of readers making it to the end.
And finally we cannot ignore the need to be consistent when you are creating content for the blog. It is important that you post at least 2 pieces of content per week. This is not only great from an SEO point of view, but readers will know that they can count on regular updates. If you don’t do this then it gives the appearance that the blog is a forgotten aspect of your website rather than something which the firm is actively looking to use.
This is how you should be approaching the content which you deliver on the law firm website.