Whiplash After A Crash: Do I Have A Case?

By Steven M. Gursten, attorney and President of Michigan Auto Law


Whiplash is a serious neck injury that can be caused by a sudden jerk or jolt to the head that commonly occurs in a car crash. Whiplash can be very painful and debilitating. When you have suffered from whiplash after a car accident, it is important to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer who can help you recover compensation and monetary damages from the driver who hit you. Our auto accident settlement calculator will help show you what your case may be worth. 

Whiplash is a neck injury.

Whiplash can limit your ability to move your neck and/or cause extreme pain any time you do try to move your neck. It may also cause headaches, dizziness, numbness or tingling in the arms or hands, and other problems.

Whiplash is a common injury after a crash.

Whiplash often occurs after a sudden impact to the head or neck area (for example, when your car collides with another vehicle). Many factors can affect the severity of your whiplash injury, including the speed of the vehicles involved in the crash; whether it was a rear-end collision; and the angle of the crash.

Undetected whiplash.

Many people who have been in a crash don’t realize right away that they have suffered whiplash. Whiplash symptoms can be delayed for up to a week. In fact, some people may not even feel any pain or discomfort after their accident.

If you do experience neck pain after an auto accident, it’s important to know what might be causing your symptoms so that you can get proper treatment and avoid making your injury worse by doing something wrong or taking the wrong medication.

See a doctor right away after a serious collision

If you were in a serious collision, you should see a doctor right away. The sooner the better. Tell your doctor about the accident, your symptoms and how they affect your ability to do the things you normally do in your life. They may also take X-rays or other types of scans to look for injuries that might not be immediately obvious.

If the doctor thinks that whiplash might have caused some sort of injury, they’ll refer you to another specialist like an orthopedic surgeon or neurologist. If necessary, these doctors will perform tests such as MRI scans or CT scans on your spine to diagnose any damage done by whiplash

Whiplash symptoms may not disappear completely.

Depending on the severity of your whiplash and related injuries, its debilitating effects and impact on your ability to return to your normal life may continue for the rest of your lifetime. 

There are many different types of treatment for whiplash caused by automobile accidents.

Treatment for whiplash after a crash may include physical therapy, occupational therapy, medication, injections, surgery, chiropractic care, massage therapy and acupuncture. 


If you have suffered from whiplash after being in a crash, you should seek immediate medical attention and talk with an attorney who will protect your legal rights to have the at-fault driver compensate you for your pain and suffering and pay for your medical bills and lost wages.